
Link Oregon offers network services to Oregon governmental agencies, school districts, education service districts, colleges and universities, other educational institutions, libraries, federally recognized Tribes, and other public and non-profit organizations.

Ethernet Transport Service

Circuit-like connectivity to support networks among our members.

Supported Topologies

A graphic depicting a node connecting to a single other node.


A graphic depicting a node connecting to mutliple other nodea.


A graphic depicting multiple nodes conntecting to eachother in a start pattern.



  • Attachment speeds
    • Line Rates: 1Gbps, 10Gbps, 25Gbps, 40Gbps, 50Gbps, and 100Gbps
    • Commit rates tailored to member requirements: 10Mbps-100Gbps
  • Active Ethernet on Layer 2
  • Segments with 802.1q VLANs
  • Support for redundant connections
    • Multiple routers at each point of presence (POP)
    • Multiple POPs in select cities
  • Support for link aggregated/bonded connections on a single router

Premium Internet Transit

Link Oregon’s high-speed, resilient transit provides general Internet connectivity as well as connectivity to high-performance national and regional networks and local Internet exchanges.


  • Direct cloud connectivity to
    • Amazon AWS
    • Google Cloud Platform
    • Microsoft Azure
  • Direct on-net connectivity to other Link Oregon members
  • Presence at popular Internet exchanges:
    • Portland (NWAX), Eugene (WIX), Bend (COIX), Seattle (SIX)
  • No charge for static IP addresses
  • DDoS monitoring and mitigation against both volumetric and protocol-based attacks 
  • Support for static routing and/or eBGP  
  • 200Gbps of direct connectivity to the national Internet2 Network
  • Layer 3 virtual private network (L3VPN) services
  • Direct connectivity to other research and education networks (RENs), including CENIC (CA), (PNWGP (WA), and IRON (ID)

Operational Assurances and Support Services

  • Network Operations Center (NOC) offers 24x7x365 support for Tier 1 technical support and triage
  • 24x7x365 field operations supports break-fix, maintenance, and network improvements 
  • Statewide spare parts depots enable faster response and repair
  • Network engineering professionals provide Tier 2 technical support
  • Network monitoring, flow analysis, and reporting tools ensure timely problem detection (see the member dashboard and interactive network map)
  • Consulting on network design and WAN solutions is available

Please Ask…

  • General member benefits are outlined in the Link Oregon Network Services Agreement. 
  • If you don’t see the services you need here, please contact us to discuss options for what you want to do.
  • Pricing is based on each member’s customized service configuration.