Author: Steve Corbato

  • Strategic Middle Mile Investments Can Minimize Last Mile Islands but Choosing Right Fiber is Key

    In 2023, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) awarded a grant to Zayo Group, LLC for $48 million to address a long-standing set of middle mile needs in Oregon as well as parts of California and Nevad.. The grant was part of NTIA’s Enabling Middle Mile Broadband Infrastructure Program, a $980 million program which…

  • 2023 In Review: Laying The Groundwork For Broadband & Digital Equity For All Oregonians

    As we prepare to see 2023 in our rear-view mirrors, what stands out the most is the significant body of activity undertaken this year by the State of Oregon (led by the Oregon Broadband Office or the “OBO”) to lay the groundwork for anticipated historic levels of broadband investment by the National Telecommunications and Information…

  • Announcing the Oregon Broadband Middle-Mile Futures Report

    The Oregon Broadband Middle-Mile Infrastructure Planning Group’s new report offers actionable recommendations to ensure a robust broadband middle-mile network for Oregon In May 2021, at the request of Oregon Rep. Pam Marsh—together with Sen. Lee Beyer and Rep. Mark Owens—an ad hoc committee of Oregon broadband leaders with expertise in network technologies and business models…

  • On Research Data in Action: Broadband Support for Disaster Early Warning Systems

    The 2020 wildfire season exploded well ahead of schedule this year under conditions of record low humidity, extreme winds, and scorching temperatures—Death Valley reached 130 degrees last month, the highest mercury reading on Earth in almost 90 years. Fires ignited by epic storms, human error, and, reportedly, even by intention are currently ravaging huge swaths…

  • On R&E Network Support for the COVID-19 Western States Pact

    Five Research & Education Networks Collaborate during Chaotic Times for Better Broadband On April 13, 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom, along with Washington Governor Jay Inslee, and Oregon Governor Kate Brown, announced the Western States Pact, an agreement to work together on a shared approach to reopening the economies of the three states. The agreement…

  • On Internet Exchange Points and Local Peering in the Time of COVID-19

    One lesson that the COVID-19 pandemic has already taught us is the importance of getting engaged and responding quickly in the face of the unexpected. And while it’s not clear exactly what impact working from home while sheltering in place will have on our networks over the long haul, we do know that network traffic…

  • COVID-19 Response

    Link Oregon extends our concern to those impacted directly by the COVID-19 outbreak. This clearly is a challenging and rapidly evolving time for schools and universities, healthcare organizations, state agencies, community non-profit organizations, and for individuals and families.  We are monitoring the news and are following the guidelines set out by the Oregon Health Authority,…

  • Partnering for Better Public and Non-Profit Connectivity across Oregon

    Oregon boasts a stunning coastline, lush forests, snow-covered peaks and astonishing desert landscapes — but communities in these remote areas often face significant limitations when it comes to network connectivity.  What will it take to provide Oregon’s public and non-profit organizations with the connectivity they require to best serve their communities? For public sector and…

  • Introducing Link Oregon

    A Mission-Driven Consortium bringing Fiber Broadband Connectivity to Oregon’s Public and Non-Profit Sectors